Individual Growth and Development Indicators for Infants and Toddlers

Why use IGDIs?
- Assess child outcomes using 6-minute, standardized, play-based assessments
- Get a quick ‘snapshot’ of a child’s progress on key outcomes
- Make data-based decisions about intervention and services
- Share child progress with parents and other providers
- Provide reports to stakeholders about program impact
What’s New with IGDIs?
With changing guidelines resulting from COVID-19, guidelines for Administering IGDIs Remotely have been developed. Please see these guidelines if you plan to administer or score IGDIs virtually.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the following questions should help you determine if IGDIs would be a good fit for your program. Also, see our Scoring and Administration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for additional information.
With what age group should IGDIs be used?
Infant and Toddler IGDIs may be used with children from ages 6 months to 42 months of age. For information about IGDIs for preschool children, please visit the MyIGDIs website.
How long do IGDIs take to administer and score?
Each IGDI assessment takes 6 minutes to administer. If scoring live, the scoring is complete at the end of the 6 minute IGDI session. Entering scores into the data system should take less than 5 minutes. If scoring from a video taped administration, scoring generally takes about 15 minutes to score and enter into the data system.
Learn more about IGDI administration.
How often can IGDIs be administered?
IGDIs are very sensitive to changes in growth, even small ones! Unlike other standardized measures, IGDIs are designed to be used repeatedly. This may mean bi-monthly, monthly, or quarterly.
How do I get certified?
Certification requires participation in a workshop provided by IGDI staff. Go to our Certification Steps page to learn more.