IGDI Training and Costs

Becoming certified to administer and score the IGDIs consists of an onsite training to familiarize staff with the IGDIs, training on how to administer a reliable and valid assessment, as well as in depth training on the scoring definitions.

During training, trainees must watch and score 2 certification videos for each IGDI assessment they intend to use.  Their scoring of each of these videos must reach 85% reliability with master scores. Staff will receive one-on-one feedback from IGDI trainers after scoring each video to ensure that all staff achieve reliability — regardless of the number of scoring attempts that they need. After training, staff will be able to administer, score, and login to the online data system to enter their scores and monitor children’s progress.

Based on the needs, number of IGDIs, and number of staff from your organization  the cost for training varies.  This training cost includes an account for each trainee to use the IGDI online data system.

Currently there are two training options available for your program and staff, and our IGDI staff would be more than happy to help coordinate your training needs. Contact us for assistance in setting up a training.

Package 1:  On-site training at your site

A member (or members) of the IGDI training staff will come to your site to train on one or more of the IGDIs.  This training includes explanation of the IGDIs, in depth training on administration and scoring; and live support for scoring certification.  In addition to the costs for training, programs will also be responsible for paying any travel, lodging, car rental, and per diem costs for  the trainer(s) (will vary by site).

Package 2:  Distance Training via Zoom

The trainer and all staff being trained will meet via a Zoom room.  Training costs depend on the number of IGDI measures you want to use and the number of people to certify.  Most training workshops can be completed in about six hours, but this also depends on the number of measures and staff being trained.